Glossary of Data Science and Data Analytics

What is a Relational Database?

In the business world, a lot of data is managed, such as financial and personal data, inventory information, product information. As this data plays a big role in managing all processes, it is recommended to store it as digitally and securely as possible. However, this data is usually translated into plain text in text files (such as Word and Excel), while security consists only of a personal password. But these passwords or text files are not always enough. For this reason, the entire organization and especially growing companies need a system that prevents duplicate content with different levels of access and control. This is a highly protected database of healthy data and consists of several models. One of them is the relational database. So what is a relational database? Who uses it, what is it for? Here are all the curious details about the relational database.

What is a Relational Database?

Each company has data that must be stored in a certain way. Today, all of them are processed digitally in databases. Data is collected, organized and correlated in databases. These digital databases are indispensable for today's companies. Digital databases make it possible to obtain data from any computer that has access to it. A commonly used database is the relational database, and this technology provides the most efficient and flexible way to access structured information.

A relational database is a collection of information structured in various tables. For example, tables can be created with the SQL CREATE TABLE statement. Each table has columns and rows. Each row contains information related to a particular feature, and the columns indicate which features are expected. Relational databases are built through the relational model. The relational model is a way of structuring a collection of data, in which it mainly uses relationships within the data. In short, it is a database that stores data and provides a port between them. The data are then linked together using tables: this is called the relational model.

Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) is the most common model on the market. Many web services and business applications work with this type of database to configure their data and extract basic information from there. Some large cloud companies have developed their own models. However, most RDBMS projects such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite are open source.

Structured Query Language, the abbreviation SQL, is derived from the language of the name and is the standard interface for relational database. The instructions of this language are used to configure the data and organize the desired information.

Relational Database How does it work?

At first glance, a relational database looks the same as a flat database. But the difference is that the tables are not independent. Two or more tables in the database are linked via the JOIN clause. For example, a contact person in a company data table can refer to another table that contains that person's purchase history. Microsoft SQL Server is an example of a relational database system.

To manage such databases, users interact with the management interface through a language (SQL). All commands are given in SQL and describe the details of each step in the development of the database. This language allows you to select the data you want, determine its location in the database, interact with it and much more.

A relational database consists of tables that are related to each other, and each table contains data of a specific data type - an entity. The relational model defines reality and usually has as separate tables as the number of entities. A relational database attempts to display all data items only once. This is technically called 'normalisation'. Keys, on the other hand, are the elements that connect tables. JOIN allows you to search multiple tables at the same time. The selected data is collected and filtered according to user-defined conditions. The SQL JOIN function is a necessary tool for multi-table databases to generate useful and high-quality information.

There are three main types of JOIN:

Data tables are rarely used alone. But mainly it is worked with a collection of data divided into several tables and together with a precise meaning. To this end, the data must be normalized in advance.

Logically, multiple requests must be made to various tables to request data from multiple tables at the same time. But this takes time, is impractical and can lead to duplicative consequences. This, in turn, may affect the processing of data. Standardization is important for this. If you process the relevant data by searching the datasets associated with said foreign keys, you can execute a single request.

Relational Database Advantages

Relational databases are advantageous over many table presentations, especially Excel. Its advantages consist of points that improve working conditions, such as time saving and adaptability. Here are the prominent advantages of relational databases:

What Are Relational Database Examples?

Relational databases can be stored, accessed and modified. These functions are performed through an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). Examples of such systems include MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL. In these systems, the SQL language is used.

The functionality of different databases is almost the same. The differences are mainly in the syntax, licensing model, integration with other tools and existing clients. As an analyst or user, this usually does not matter. But large companies often opt for a licensing model to be sure of support.

If you are about to choose a database and do not prefer SQL Server, you can opt for open source relational databases that offer a lot of functionality so that you never face limitations, you can take a look at the different solutions that Komtaş offers to keep your data safe and accessible.

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