What is Next with Data?

The session focused on data governance, data fabric and data mesh, which are cornerstones for democratization of data and adaptation to future disruptive technologies.

In the "What is Next with Data?" session of our "Strategy to Reality: AI powered Intelligent Data Management" event, we talked with Yüksel Çomak about the future of data and how the right data fiction should be to shape the future.  

We are ready for new technologies such as data, generative AI and analytics, which are described as the atom of the digital world, but the real challenge lies in whether we are ready for data. While data in the cloud environment increases its importance, it is of great importance to establish the right infrastructure and democratize data in this area. Key concepts such as data governance, data fabric and data mesh play a decisive role in this democratization process. Data governance lays the philosophical foundation, data fabric makes data meaningful, and data mesh transforms data into usable products and offers them to all business units. A data strategy that is not built on these foundations may fail to adapt to the disruptive technologies of the future.

Yüksel Çomak

Managing Partner & Chairman of Board
Komtaş Bilgi Yönetimi
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