Glossary of Data Science and Data Analytics

What is Encode?

The terms encode, encoding or decoding are related to encoding. Because coding, one of the requirements of the new age, has become a necessity in many industries for a long time. In short, if you can write code, you can do a lot. Encode, on the other hand, is a technology that can be described in terms such as encoding, encryption. Because encode and programming are two terms that are often used interchangeably. However, there are obvious differences between the two. So what is encode? What is useful and who can benefit? Let's go through all the curious details about encode, which brings you one step closer to digitalization.

What is Encode?

The word encode has meanings such as “encoding”, "encryption" or “symbolization” and basically involves the conversion of signals and data according to certain rules. Unlike coding, it also serves different purposes, such as encrypting all information that should not be obtained by third parties.

Encode is to add a stream to a (or millionaire) analog signal or digital data in a specific way, as a reversible signal or data. Especially in the field of computers (more often personal computers), encode also means the compression of sound or moving images using a codec. Visualization techniques, for example, encode data into visual shapes and colors. We can assume that what a visualization user is doing is solving these values, but the process is not that simple.

Encode calculates the length of the bars from the numbers they should represent, for example, when a program creates a bar graph. When he draws a pie chart, he calculates angles. When you draw a scatter plot, it looks at two numbers for each data point and converts them into coordinates to draw a shape.

Encode solves all the mysteries about how a graph came about with ciphers and encodings because it is a mechanical process. This is also a process quite similar to visualization theory. In other words, data properties such as whether a data field or column is numeric or categorical, whether it is a meaningful zero, etc., are all about encode. Briefly, it covers the things that are located inside the machine and that you can easily illustrate.

What is Encode good for?

Encode is used in different industries, but it occurs widely in the field of cybersecurity. This makes it possible to use the encode more often, as it transfers users' data securely thanks to encryption solutions. However, encode or encoding is divided into two categories: analog signal encoding and digital data encoding.

Analog Signal Encoding

Analog signal encoding is often preferred to reduce background noise that occurs in recorders. It widely uses noise reduction, HiFi video and cassette recorders. Discrete 4-channel recording is called subcarrier modulation, superposition, and recording encoding. In FM radio broadcasting, LP recordings and analog recorders, even in classical music, small-amplitude high-frequency components were pre-broadcast and recorded. Digital devices such as DAT, CD and DTRS likewise have a function to reduce visible quantification noise. They are often called accents. There was also a device in medium wave broadcasting that featured high frequencies insofar as it did not touch the law of broadcasting.

Digital Data Encoding

In fact, it is usually this type that is referred to as encode. Because it is more commonly used than analog encode operations. It is preferred to convert digital data into code according to the purpose that follows a certain rule. Encode is the method that makes it possible to transform a character of a natural language into a symbol of another representation system, such as a number, by applying coding rules that define how it encodes a particular representation system.

Encode is necessary for adequate inventory control, as encoded data will allow us to achieve greater efficiency as it requires less time for your organization or search. Encode memory, on the other hand, is the ability to encode, store and retrieve information. Encode allows the conversion of stored and recalled items from short-term memory or long-term memory. Working memory, on the other hand, stores information for its use or direct manipulation.

How does Encode Work?

If you work with computers, devices, software, and scripts, you will often encounter the term “encode”. Formats such as UTF, ASCII, Unicode, and ANSI are common standards, but not all are encoding schemes. There are also different variants of these standards. For example, UTF also has UTF-8, UTF-16, and even UTF-7 and 32 variants. It encodes ASCII and UTF variables, but Unicode and ANSI are also called “ChartSets” (character sets) or “repertoires”. A character set is the mapping between a bit (because a computer stores data like that) and a letter on the screen.

Therefore, it is important to first know what CharSet and the “Encoding Scheme” are. When you press a key on the keyboard, letters appear on the screen. But the knowledge of what the letters are is taken differently, but indirectly, and not directly. The computer does not hide the “letters”, but works with bits. A bit can have 2 values, such as “1” or “0”. “1” sometimes represents “Yes”, followed by “0” “No”. These 1s and 0s are called “binary code” and are caused by electrical signals that can be “ON = 1" and “OFF = 0". But if we could only see 1's and 0's on the screen, then everything would be very different because there would be no image and therefore YouTube. Since there are many rules for showing “something” on the screen, rules are also created for showing letters from the simplest. The combination of bits can represent a letter according to a certain rule.

Popular Encode Services

Although Encode is used in different areas, it mostly has the same stages, but some ready-made services are offered in order to put the processes into practice. Here are some services that have been developed so that you can encode.


MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm) is used as a message compilation algorithm. It serves as a hash function to assist encryption algorithms. It is also very useful because if your database is hacked, an encoded password will appear, not the real one. This encrypted code is 32 characters long and consists of letters and numbers. More often it allows you to check whether the data is opened by third parties. However, because it has vulnerabilities, it is easily breakable.


The most popular encode technique is base64 preferred for converting data to text. Base64 is a good method to convert primarily (unreadable) binary information to readable text (ASCII characters). Thus, this data can be easily and reliably exchanged between computers where computers do not need the same hardware or operating system. However, it is also possible to encode readable texts, as is the case with SVG images. Base64 is a 6-bit encoding. This means that there are 64 different characters. Base64 is also used for converting images.

URL Encoder

URL encode is a process that converts characters into a format that can be sent over the Internet. On the Internet, URLs can only be sent in ASCII characters. URLs usually contain characters outside the ASCII set, so the URL must be converted to a valid ASCII format. The URL encode expresses unsafe ASCII characters with '%' and is then replaced by two different hexadecimal codes.

Encode briefly offers encryption and encoding for different types of needs, ensuring data migration and security between different applications. If you want to keep your data safe or benefit from cross-format conversion using encode techniques, you can use Encode. If you are looking for solutions for different data protection, database services and the security of this data, you can take advantage of the data services included in the Komtaş ecosystem.

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