Strategy to Reality: Customer Panel Discussion | Sanko Holding - Yamy Studio - Pazarama

Our customers using Google Cloud, Sanko Holding, Yamy Studio and Pazarama talk about their successful projects and Google Cloud experiences.

The "From Strategy to Field: Experience Panel" with the participation of valuable speakers from Sanko and Pazarama, the success story of using Google Cloud, examples of applications in the field, how problems were overcome and experience sharing were very interesting.

Mikdat Doğru, Co-founder of YAMY Studio, predicted that data will evolve into more personalized user experience and AI will increase interaction in the game world. He emphasized real-time recommendation and AI supported experience examples and the potential of Google Cloud in the gaming industry.

Mustafa Öztürk, Information Technologies Manager of Sanko Holding, shared the projects carried out with various companies of Sanko in different sectors and the targeted future projects, and shared that the wide range of products offered by Google Cloud is very advantageous in providing solutions to various projects of Sanko Holding. Öztürk also mentioned the cost effectiveness of Google Cloud and emphasized the attractive pricing policies of Google Cloud in infrastructure works.

Arma Değer Mut, Director of Marketing Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, pointed out that e-commerce competition has increased after the pandemic and emphasized the project implementation with Google Cloud and a dynamic and successful transition process focusing on future plans. She emphasized the importance of Google Analytics in the e-commerce sector and the necessity of data processing through BigQuery and that this transition is happening quickly. During the development phase of the project, Arma Değer Mut completed the data transfer by integrating SQL Server and MongoDB and emphasized the performance advantages of BigQuery.

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