Strategy to Reality: Customer Panel Discussion — Dataiku

At the panel with the participation of valuable speakers from Akbank, Ceva Logistics and Şişecam, the success story of the use of Dataiku, examples of application in the field, how problems were overcome and experiences were shared.

In the panel session, Seçil Köktürk discussed Şişecam's digital transformation in production processes and data analytics applications, noting that this process, which started in 2020, accelerated with the establishment of the data and analytics directorate. Emphasizing that it is important to create both data scientists who write code and teams working in low-code/no-code during the establishment process of the analytical team, she shared that Dataiku was chosen for its low code feature, compatibility with languages such as Python and SQL, and being a comprehensive tool that can meet model management and analytical needs.

She stated that the focus of artificial intelligence applications at Şişecam is on analytical projects in factories. She shared that they developed factory-specific analytical use cases through steps such as data collection, creating digital twins, adding analytical layers and improving factory KPIs. In this way, she explained that models that offer real-time recommendations to the operator are used live in factories and thus 24/7 production processes are managed automatically. Dataiku, which supports teams working in different locations to access data, emphasized that Dataiku increases the value of data within the company by providing users at different levels, from factory employees to R&D personnel, with a tool to perform their own analysis.


In the panel session, Elçin Aksoy shared the difficulties and complexity of their previous processes and pointed out the advantages of meeting with the Dataiku platform and stepping into the low code world by mentioning how different systems, manual data and separately managed information created a problem. By replacing SQL, Excel and manual processes, data scientists and other team members were able to perform rapid analysis using their coding skills. She emphasized that this makes it possible to reach analysis results quickly, reduce errors and make efficient decisions.

In addition to collecting multiple data sources in a centralized location, Dataiku's user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop features enable teams to collaborate faster and more effectively. e also stated that the platform contributes to faster and more effective management of processes by providing agile business management. Touching on Dataiku's future strategies and goals for Turkey operation, Aksoy stated that in addition to the global usage, they have developed projects that are suitable for Turkey's specific needs and that they share examples of these projects with other countries.


Özge Kaymaz and Ozan Tan talked about Akbank's analytics team structure and their experiences over the years, and addressed how they needed a more mature and complex AutoML solution. Before starting with Dataiku, they shared that they evaluated various topics in order to migrate the existing model portfolio, develop new models and generally make their business more efficient. They shared that they made a very detailed evaluation during the analytics platform selection process and decided to work with Dataiku as a result of the references offered by Dataiku, positive feedback from previous users and the POC processes carried out.

They also talked about Akbank's process of using the Dataiku platform and their plans for the future, sharing strategies and plans on how the teams in different units of the bank will use their analytical capabilities. Discover how Dataiku's flexibility and wide range of use cases have enabled Akbank to develop and successfully deploy advanced financial intelligence models.

Özge Kaymaz

CRM Marketing Systems Vice President

Ozan Tan

Al & Advanced Analytics Product Owner

Elçin Aksoy

Solution Design & Pricing Manager
Ceva Lojistik

Seçil Köktürk

Data Science Manager
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