Data Governance Project

It was aimed for Fibabanka to have a healthy digital transformation infrastructure by using data correctly as well as complying with legislation and regulations. With the Informatica product family, which offers end-to-end solutions, it was aimed to address data governance from the ground up and to have a more manageable infrastructure.

With the project carried out by Damalink and Fibabanka together, we developed a strategy together for data governance, which is a very important basic process in digital transformation processes, and together with Informatica, we designed and developed the bank's infrastructure to prepare Fibabanka for the future.

“With their technical skills and collaborative approach, the Damalink team ensured the successful completion of the project with the solutions they developed specifically for Fibabanka. Thanks to this project, we have created all our infrastructures to carry out data governance activities.“
Özge Seyhan - Fibabanka - Data Governance Director

Project Process

Within the scope of the project, we completed the implementation of EDC's DQ Analyst and DQ Developer tools and data quality studies after the analysis studies on Axon, the data dictionary tool.

In addition to the implementation of all 3 tools, additional work such as the translation of Axon into Turkish, the development of a custom integration for the Golden Gate tool used for replication, and the analysis of the impact of DDL changes made in the main banking systems on the data warehouse and reporting systems and the establishment of alert mechanisms to notify the data platforms teams were also completed within the project period.

Within the project, improvements were made on 11 facets in Axon. By writing 22 discovery rules on 12 areas determined by Information Security, data discovery work was carried out in 8 different systems on Oracle, SQL Server, Hadoop and file systems. Metadata analysis and data genealogy studies were completed for data in 18 different systems.

When all the tools were ready for use, both end-user trainings involving business units and IT teams and admin trainings involving our infrastructure teams were provided for all 3 tools. In this context, 7 different trainings were given to 51 different people.

Discovery Rules
Development on Axon Facet
Data Discovery Completed in Different System
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