Data Literacy Movement

As Bebar Bilim, we are launching the Data Literacy Movement in order to transform our future, prepare for the new world and become one of the locomotives of the digital transformation train that has set off in the world.

The Digital Renaissance Begins
How Did We Get Here?

Everything is transformation. Transformation is everything. With the transformation of energy, humanity has eliminated the boundaries of place and space. This time he set out to eliminate the speed and time limits with the transformation of data. I told you we were going to build an infrastructure before we talked about the technique as part of the Data Literacy Movement. In this video, in order to understand where we are and where we come from, we briefly look at the stages that brought us to this day, starting from the very beginning. In the future, we will examine these stages in more detail historically.

How Turkey Catches the Artificial Intelligence Train

How Turkey Catches the Artificial Intelligence Train

History of Artificial Intelligence #1 Artificial Intelligence for Everyone - Part 1

If we want to understand AI we need to read some history and place some milestones well. Because when we talk about the history of artificial intelligence, you will see that this road was woven with a lot of barbed wire. Once upon a time, there was an AI Winter in which artificial intelligence was completely removed to dusty shelves and no one even looked in the face. It also brought us great names like Alan Turing, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Geoffrey Hinton. With the efforts of these geniuses, we have come to the point where we are today, but how did we get there? Tie the belts. We begin.

History of Artificial Intelligence #2 Artificial Intelligence for Everyone - Part 2

We call it artificial intelligence. Thinking machines. Robots. Humanoid robots. We are talking about thinking. Like us. Like a living thing. Then we need to ask a question. These machines. If they come to the point of thinking. There must be an evolution of these too, right? They need to go through a process. Nothing comes out of the blue. We know this from nature. It's okay. Is there also an evolution of artificial intelligence? Var. We will see very similar stages. When artificial intelligence begins to see, hear, speak, understand... Walk, run... perhaps develop a consciousness... Do you want to see them all step by step? Then our story continues...


Remember, I told you that you need to wear “data” glasses whatever you do. When I started the Data Literacy series. It was precisely these developments that I took a break from that series. Since developments related to Artificial Intelligence have accelerated so much, breathing new life into that series and updating everything we know, today we begin a new adventure with this video with the question: What is Artificial Intelligence really? How does it work? What lies in the invisible layers of this technology that we do not know?

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